Commercial LED Lighting and Technology Solutions
Attract and retain tenants
Increase property values
Comply with energy regulations
Install to fit tenant schedule
Maximize the full value of LED lighting + technology for all your commercial properties.
EMC provides a total approach to energy audits, lighting retrofits and maintenance services that optimizes the energy efficiency, productivity and safety of your commercial operations and seamlessly integrates with existing building and energy management systems.
We'll help you determine the solution that's best for your facilities. We’ll even identify options to keep you net cash flow positive starting day one. Then we'll put the people, communication tools and materials in motion to make it happen. Fast.
Financial Institutions
EMC helps financial institutions realize the full value of taking a total approach to LED Lighting + Controls + IoT for all their banking locations. We provide safe, productive and energy efficient environments for employees and customers. With experience installing at hundreds of branch locations, EMC successfully manages lighting conversions and service solutions for office spaces, teller counters, drive-thru canopies, ATM kiosks and parking lots.

Office Buildings
EMC has expertise working in office buildings and recognizes the need to attract and retain tenants with installations that fit tenants' schedules. With the ability to ensure consistent implementations for hundreds of locations, EMC reduces tenant and building owner dependence on routine service calls. The end result: Building owners increase property value with enhanced curb appeal while tenants enjoy superior utility savings and incentive values.
Featured Case Study

$101,444 Energy Savings
1,441,793 Pounds of CO2
73,589 Gallons of Gasoline
715,520 Pounds of Coal