4 Ways to Prepare for your Next LED Lighting + Controls Project
September 3, 2018
Even though you are working with an expert lighting and controls partner, there are steps your company should be taking internally to prepare. If Speed of Execution is important to you, make sure your team is ready for your lighting and controls project by having:
1. Clear priorities. Knowing what’s most important—be it energy savings, store aesthetics or sustainability goals—can help you determine a plan and target your spending for your lighting project.
2. Stakeholder agreement on those priorities. Are those priorities shared? Nothing slows a project down like stakeholders who don’t hold the same opinion about the project.
Be clear about who has a say. You want those key decision makers—including those from corporate, store management and those who maintain the space—all on the same page.
3. A technology roadmap. You want a clear plan for your stores that supports both near-term gains and long-term potential to further advance those gains.
As LED lighting and controls products rapidly become more efficient and affordable, it may be that a lighting retrofit five years out will deliver more value than keeping the current installation in place for the full duration of its expected life.
Also, the lighting technology you choose today can set the stage for adding affordable future controls implementations in the future.
4. A path to minimizing initial costs. You want to be in a position to stretch budget dollars and speed toward greater sustainability and bottom line savings.
Minimizing your initial costs by being prepared to take advantage of rebates and incentives and being willing to consider a number of lighting and controls product vendors. This gives you the flexibility to make your projects go farther or spend your budget dollars in other ways.
The clarity these four steps provide keep you focused on achieving your project goals and become the basis of the plan your expert lighting and controls provider will execute. Read More about the pivotal role they play in maximizing the Speed of Execution of your lighting and controls project.
Contact us for expert support and maximized Speed of Execution for your next LED lighting and controls project.