Looking Ahead to 2016
December 1, 2015
Although we still have another month left of 2015, it’s time to start looking ahead to the New Year and planning your January projects. Many customers hold off implementing any lighting projects in November and December and then are ready to go come January. But there are some things you should keep in mind when planning early 2016 projects:
Timing may be slower for utility incentive or rebate program pre-approval during this busy time. As many programs are ending their year, utilities are busy trying to finalize payments and closeout their program. It may take longer for new applications to be processed.
Incentive and rebate programs will likely change. Many programs run calendar year and typically adjust their program or incentive levels at the start of a new year. For many programs, that means January will bring changes.
Some programs may not be accepting applications yet. Just because a program launches in January, doesn’t mean that it is ready to accept new applications immediately on January 1st. Some programs hold off until mid to late January before accepting new applications.
If you are intending to do lighting projects in January, be sure to plan ahead and try to get pre-approval applications submitted as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding utility incentive or rebate program changes or timing, please reach out to EMC.
Katie Quam is Energy Management Collaborative's Manager of Customer Incentives. In this role she utilizes her knowledge of incentive programs nationwide to expedite the application process and secure maximum incentive dollars for EMC customers.