NALMCO Holds First Live Meeting Since Pandemic's Start

October 25, 2021
No topics.

NALMCO®'s  68th Annual Convention and Trade Show, Breaking Traditional Barriers, took place October 10 – 14 in Orlando, Florida. While less than 40 people registered a week before the event, last minute registrants grew the participant list to 178, a strong showing given the ongoing pandemic.

"This being my first visit, I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was a lot of very committed people and companies," said EMC's John Loheit. "The work they do cuts across competitive lines in the best interests of advancement for the entire group."

EMC's Brian Baker, who is one year into his two-year tenure on the NALMCO Board of Directors, partnered with his Certification Committee Co-char Kim Cagle to present NALMCO's Workforce Development Solutions.

Their session addressed the best ways to recruit and retain a qualified workforce using NALMCO's four certification programs: Certified Lighting Apprentice Technician (CALT), Certified Senior Lighting Technician (CSLT), Certified Lighting Controls Professional (CLCP) and the Certified Lighting Management Consultant (CLMC).

Other topics taking center stage at NALMCO included lighting controls and related rebates, UV lighting, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and emergency lighting–all of which are key focus areas for EMC business development.

"NALMCO continues to present excellent opportunities that ensure the skills and expertise of people in the lighting industry continue to align with the evolving management and maintenance requirements," said Baker. "If you haven't checked NALMCO out before, it's a great way to grow your business."

Learn more about how NALMCO can strengthen your business here