Ready for Next Month’s EEI Fall National Key Accounts Workshop?
September 18, 2017
We’re looking forward to another EEI Fall National Key Accounts Workshop happening next month, October 8-11, at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center at Maryland's National Harbor. This meeting brings U.S. investor-owned electric companies operating in all 50 states together with their national, chain and multi-site customers and trade allies.
In addition to being a great networking opportunity, the meeting’s agenda is packed with excellent learning opportunities and important industry updates.
For companies attending who are looking for energy efficient lighting and controls solutions, here are the sessions and happenings you don’t want to miss:
Sustainability Track 1: There’s Still Some Chicken on that Bone! What to do when you feel like you’ve max’d (sic) out your energy efficiency options
This panel discussion will cover ways to drive out even more energy efficiencies, including those that can be achieved with lighting controls.
At EMC, we've helped many clients make the leap to energy saving LED technology and we agree that controls are the next path to take to squeeze even more of the energy efficiency and bottom line savings out of LED lighting installations.
Technology Track 1: No DLC Equals No Rebate. The D is in the Details: Why the DLC is so important to your planned lighting investments
I expect this presentation to provide an excellent overview of the DesignLights Consortium (DLC), the non-profit organization that promotes the widespread adoption of high-performance commercial lighting solutions.
We are no stranger to the DLC at EMC. It has guided us in our design recommendations to clients for years and our utility partners routinely refer to it when creating incentive and rebate offerings.
Prince George's Exhibition Hall: Booth 217
Stop by EMC's booth at Prince George's Exhibition Hall to learn why a total approach to energy efficient lighting and controls is one of the easiest ways to save.
Be sure to pick up a star LED ring - its red, white and blue blinking is in keeping with the meeting's patriotic networking theme and makes a great treat to bring home to your kids!
Can’t make it to EEI? Reach out to EMC to set up an individual demonstration of the EnergyMAXX Tool and see how EMC can help you with your next lighting retrofit.
Stacy Delzer is Energy Management Collaborative's Manager of Customer Incentives. In this role she utilizes her knowledge of incentive programs nationwide to expedite the application process and secure maximum incentive dollars for EMC customers.