Speed of Execution: Summer Series Part 3
August 20, 2018
If you have kids or grandkids, you know that summer means driving to lessons where they’ll hone their expertise at everything from golf or tennis to swimming, soccer and baseball.
It’s their prime time to work with an expert that can quickly get them results and enjoy the sport faster.
Work with an Expert
Choosing to work with an expert lighting and controls provider can provide similar results to those summer sports experts, especially when it comes to maximizing the Speed of Execution for your LED project.
This third blog post in our summer series looks at three ways these experts help you achieve the outcomes you desire and fast!
Make the Most of Summer Lessons
Figuring out how to maximize speed of execution for your next lighting and controls project is actually something you can do while waiting for your kid to be done with lessons! Check out the previous posts in this summer series:
July: Get ready using these four ways to prepare for your next LED lighting + controls + IoT project.
June: Find out how to get Speed of Execution faster by skipping the lengthy RFP process and going with an expert.
When you’re done reading and the kids are loaded in the car, it might be a good time to find some ice cream. It’s still hot out there!
Ready for your next lighting + controls + IoT project?
We’re ready to help you get to savings faster. Contact us to get going!
Ben Wright is manager of design for EMC. In this role he ensures that lighting projects are analyzed not just as energy reduction opportunities, but as opportunities to improve the spaces we live and work. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design from Montana State University – School of Architecture.