Lighting and Electrical Maintenance Services
Nationwide coverage
Quick, reliable communication
Dependable emergency support
Work with a trusted partner who takes a lifecycle approach to Lighting + Electrical Service. EMC fits the unique needs of your operations, maximizing the efficiency, effectiveness and life of your lighting, controls, electrical systems and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
EMC Service Solutions
Repair or replace lighting and
electrical components as requested.
Planned Lighting
Maintenance (PLM)
Make costs predictable
with a lifecycle approach.
24/7 Emergency
Call directly for immediate
service anytime, anywhere.
Emergency Hotline: 844.363.3674
A Customized Approach
The Right Plan for You
At EMC we know a "cookie-cutter" approach to service maintenance does not work for today's facility operations. Our data-driven approach to service ensures you realize and understand your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to quickly implement and deliver the desired results.
Nationwide Coverage
Ensure consistency across your operations. EMC removes the hassle of lighting maintenance, serving as your single point of contact for quick, affordable and comprehensive service for all facilities in your portfolio.
Communication Tools
You don't have to change your maintenance software to work with EMC. We can use the system you already have in place to manage facilities requests. Whether it's email, ServiceChannel® or any other form of data management, EMC partners with you to simplify your maintenance program.
Learn More About EMC Maintenance
Discover How EMC Can Optimize Your Facilities' Lighting + Electrical Service
Work with our service experts on a plan that's right for you.