Warranty Management
Receive full benefit
Eliminate hassles
Address labor requirements
With an ever-evolving Lighting + Electrical marketplace and increasingly complex warranties, it's critical to have a trusted partner who ensures you receive the full benefit of your product warranties.

Lighting Extended Labor Warranty Program
While most lighting and controls manufacturers' extended material warranties exclude labor, EMC recognizes their importance and offers the following options for customers.
- Included in all EMC quotes at no additional charge
- 1-year labor workmanship warranty
- EMC management of manufacturer warranty for term
- Quoted upon request
- 1-year labor workmanship warranty
- EMC management of manufacturer warranty for term
- Quoted upon request
- Customized all-inclusive labor warranty
- EMC management of manufacturer warranty for term
- EMC inventory for quick turnaround
Learn More About EMC Maintenance
Contact EMC for A Customized Warranty Solution Tailored to Meet Your Organization's Needs
Work with our warranty experts on a plan that's right for you.